CalPoets' Monthly Meeting - Lesson Plan Share Panel
9월 01일 (금)
All past and present California Poets in the Schools' Poet-Teachers are welcome to attend the 1st Friday Community Meeting, during the lunch hour. This month, we will be led by three great poets through three great lesson plans.

시간 및 장소
2023년 9월 01일 오후 12:00 – 오후 1:30
이벤트 소개
All past and present California Poets in the Schools' Poet-Teachers are welcome to attend the 1st Friday Community Meeting, during the lunch hour. This will be an informal gathering on Zoom. We will have a loose agenda that will be sent out in advance. Bring a sandwich and stay as long as you are able. There will be time to network and share ideas. Please register so that we can send you a Zoom link to join the event, and send updates.
First Friday September 1, 2023
Lesson Plan Workshop Panel with Vincent Jimenez, Sandra Anfang, and Jabez Churchill
US$0.00할인 종료