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D O N A T E 

Poetry education matters.

Your donation supports more poetry for more kids!  Creating poetry together, sharing, being heard & listening respectfully to others can be a powerful step to overcoming loneliness and alienation, and can quickly lead to elevated feelings of belonging and well-being.



Bydragen binne belesting ôftrekber.  Wy binne in 501 (c) (3)  - Tax ID # 94-2977264.  


Jo kado helpt ús it folgjende te leverjen: ​​

  • $ 1000 helpt de produksje fan ús jierlikse steatswide blomlêzing fan bernepoëzij te stypjen

  • $ 800 pleatst in dichter-learaar yn 'e klasse foar 10 wiken

  • $ 500 finansiert in 6-wiken ferbliuw op in ûnderbetsjinne skoalle

  • $ 250 bringt ien nije dichter-learaar nei ús jierlikse training Sympoasium

  • $ 100 donearret ús jierlikse statewide poëzijbloemlezing oan 10 skoalbiblioteken

  • $ 75 leart ien poëzij sesje yn in pleatslike iepenbiere skoalle





We accept online transactions through Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, or by credit card.  Also - see many other creative ways to give, below. 

Wy akseptearje online transaksjes fia PayPal, of mei kredytkaart fia it PayPal-portaal.  Klikje op de giele knop om te begjinnen:  

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DAF Direct currently facilitates grant recommendations from donors of Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®. More national and community foundation DAF sponsoring organizations may be added in the future.

After a DAF grant recommendation has been approved, 100% of the funds transfer to California Poets in the Schools, with no administration or transaction fees for using the DAF Direct service.

You can fill out the form to the left, or click here to start the process online. 

Other Ways to Donate:  

Corporate Sponsorships:


We offer opportunities for corporate sponsors to support projects and get benefits in return.  Visit our sponsorship page for more information. 

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Persoanlike kontrôle


Meitsje jo sjek asjebleaft te beteljen oan:  Kalifornje dichters yn 'e skoallen

Postadres:   PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Opmerking: dit is nij adres fan 7/1/18


Planned jaan  

Moetsje jo persoanlike filantropyske en finansjele  doelen troch legacy planning. Rieplachtsje jo finansjele adviseur foar in bepale in plan dat wurket bêste foar jo en belje ús te setten jo  pland jaan donaasje.  

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Stock Charts in the Newspaper
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Matching Gifts  


Fermannichfâldigje dyn  finansjele donaasjes fia in bedriuwspassende kadoprogramma.  Nim kontakt op mei jo Employee Benefits Office om te sjen oft jo bedriuw in dielnimmend programma hat foar jo of jo spouse.  Jo bedriuw kin al op ús list stean. Stjoer asjebleaft passende kadoformulieren nei ús kantoar:  PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Opmerking: dit is nij adres fan 7/1/18

Keapman Bydragen

Grutte retailers as pleatslike bedriuwen kinne programma's hawwe oprjochte dy't persintaazjes fan ferkeap kado oan non-profit organisaasjes.  Amazon Smile en eScrip binne twa fan in protte.  Kontrolearje mei bedriuwen wêr't jo winkelje om te sjen oft jo Kalifornyske dichters yn 'e skoallen kinne oanwize as jo kar foar woldiedigens.  

Gifts of Stock

We accept gifts of stock!  All gifts of stock to California Poets in the Schools are currently processed by the Marin Community Foundation, where we have a managed fund established. We will work with you to set up a gift to our CALIFORNIA POETS IN THE SCHOOLS - UNRESTRICTED FUND of the Marin Community Foundation.  Please contact Meg Hamill for more information:

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Jo kinne jo donaasje stjoere fia in sjek makke oan California Poets in the Schools nei PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.  DANKEWOL!

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Om in donaasje fan in kredytkaart te meitsjen,  Fier in bedrach yn fia de donate knop.

As jo elke moanne in fêst bedrach donearje wolle,  skilje asjebleaft Meg

Executive Director, op (415-221-4201) om jo weromkommende donaasje yn te stellen.

Copyright 2018  Kalifornje dichters yn 'e skoallen

501 (c) (3) non-profit | Tel 415.221.4201 |  Postbus 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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