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Thank You Christine Kravetz!

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

California Poets in the Schools would like to warmly acknowledge Christine Kravetz, who acted as Area Coordinator for Santa Barbara County from 2006 to 2020.

Christine offers these parting words: "Being a Poet-Teacher was the most gratifying job I’ve ever had. Every year I learned something important about poetry and life and teaching from my students, classroom teachers and fellow Poet-Teachers. I hope to still contribute to CPITS in the future."

Ron Alexander, Poet-Teacher in Santa Barbara county offers this reflection:

"Until a few years ago, I had only known Christine Kravetz from a distance as one very fine, accomplished poet.  But working with her CalPoets outreach efforts and being trained by her to teach poetry in the schools, I witnessed her working firsthand and learned from her not only how to engage a classroom of children, but how to build smooth working relationships with classroom teachers. I’ve found Christine’s love for and understanding of both children and the art of teaching to be extensive.  She will be missed! As well, Christine has keen organizational tools which have helped her build CalPoets, Santa Barbara into an evermore valued institution in our county.  Over her nearly two decades with CalPoets—almost all of that as Area Coordinator—she brought in who knows how many new poet teachers and found new funding partnerships that have allowed for our current expansion of services. All of the above has enhanced CalPoets’ image and increased our visibility in the county immensely"

Thank you Christine for your decades of local leadership - helping to empower thousands of Santa Barbara youth to speak their minds through poetry. You will be greatly missed.

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